Today school gave us a tiny robot. It’s intention is to be used in a case with a certain company to achieve a certain goal. The current goal is not yet known.

she does spin though


The robot consists of 4 different boards, split on two layers.

The top layer has a raspberry pi, a grove base hat on top that will be used for a bunch of sensors The bottom layer has a Pololu 32U4 Control board on top of an arduino. the robot in question Meet Rebecca :3

UPDATE: Becky now looks like this

installing and running the arduino

School had some sheets with how to run the thing, so i just followed those. Firstly, i had to download the arduino IDE software and the romi microcontroller driver, so that the arduino IDE would detect the romi chip in the first place. Then i had to install 3 libraries for code used in the romi (the base chip, gyro/accelerometer and a secret third library).

After this i grabbed an example code from file > examples > Rmoi32U4 and selected the romi board on the right COM port.

Making becky move around

After some messing around, i made her able to drive around and turn once she hits something.

I did this by checking how fast the wheels spin and if they spin about 80% of the normal speed, it probably hit something, and she turns.

She also makes a sound when she hits something, calculated by this function: yes, i did name it screech