Object Oriented Programming, or OOP, is a programming concept that revolves around making (you guessed it) objects that interact with each other on a software level.


A class could be seen as a blueprint of some sorts. It defines the properties that will be assigned to the instantiated object. Classes (its contained methods) in of itself cannot be ran (unless it is defined as a static class).
Classes contain properties(variables) and methods.


The act of limiting data (hiding it) from the outside world is called encapsulation. It is smart to only make the necessary variables and methods accessible, because why would you need to change internal variables when it could break things?
One benefit of this is that you can expose what the outside can interact with. Some things can be made to be only used internally (private), while some can be external (public). (some things can be made sealed and protected too, but act like you don’t know those yet)
The same can be done with variables. You can hide variables from the outside world and only make them accessible via accessors (getters/setters/methods).

Objects (instances)

An object, or instance, is the variable you create using a class (it will be ‘filled’ using that blueprint). It will use a part of the memory to store the object in. Objects are always derived from classes(in OOP languages).
When an object is created using a class, it will inherit these properties and methods as its own, all bundled into one variable.
A benefit of objects is that you can make them very modular: by defining different properties when instantiating the object (via the constructor), certain methods can perform different tasks with different outcomes.
A good example of this would be a car blueprint. It shows how to make the car and make it run, but you can change things like the color of the chassis, the material of the seats, the dashboard radio, the sound of the horn, etc.

The constructor

A (sort of) method that creates an object from a class is called a constructor. Constructors can have parameters depending on if it’s needed or not.
What makes a constructor different from a normal method (at least in c#) is the fact that it has the class name as its name and does not have a return type.
A class can have multiple constructors(with different amounts/types of parameters). If no constructor is given, a class with create a default constructor (with no parameters) under the surface. A (simplified) example of this is:

class Car
	private int _speed;
	private string _color;
	public Car() // Default constructor, will be made under the surface automatically
		_color = "blue";
		_speed = 230;
	public Car(string color) // Constructor with 1 parameter
		_color = color;
		_speed = 230;
	public Car(string color, int speed) // Constructor with 2 parameters
		_color = color;
		_speed = speed;
	public string GetColor() // Accessor method
		return _color;
class Program
	static void Main()
		Car carBlue = new Car(); // Default constructor
		Car carRed = new Car("blue") // Constructor with 1 parameter
		Console.WriteLine($"This car is {carBlue.GetColor()}"); // Will return blue
		Console.WriteLine($"This car is {carRed.GetColor()}"); // Will return red

You can use all 3 constructors depending on what you enter between the brackets of the new Car().

Tidying up your constructors

One common thing that is done when creating multiple constructors, is that you cascade from ones with more to ones with less (but the same) parameters.
It will look something like this:

class Car
	private int _speed;
	private string _color;
	public Car(string color, int speed)   
	    _color = color;  
	    _speed = speed;  
	public Car(string color) : this(color, 230) { }  
	public Car() : this("blue", 230) { }

Using this will call its own constructor, this way you wont have as repeating code (calling this in a class always references itself).


Abstraction is the act of simplifying code from something big and complex, into something small and simple.
For example:

if (speed < 0 || speed > 1.0)
    throw new Exception("speed", "Speed must be between 0 and 1.0");
double targetRotation = _gyroscope.CurrentRotation - degrees;
foreach (var motor in _motors)
    motor.SetDirection(motor.CalibrationFactor > 0 ? MotorDirection.Reverse : MotorDirection.Forward);
    motor.SetSpeed(Math.Abs(motor.CalibrationFactor) * speed);
while (Math.Abs(_gyroscope.CurrentRotation - targetRotation) > 0.1)
    if (_obstacleSensor.DetectObstacle())
        var newRoute = _navigationSystem.CalculateAlternativeRoute(
        targetRotation = _gyroscope.CurrentRotation - newRoute.InitialTurnAngle;
        foreach (var motor in _motors)
    Console.WriteLine($"Current rotation: {_gyroscope.CurrentRotation}, Target rotation: {targetRotation}");
foreach (var motor in _motors)

Would turn into

Robot robot = new Robot();


If classes are blueprints, interfaces are contracts on how a class will look like. It defines which public methods (their parameters and return type, not the code inside) and properties a class should have.
The awesome thing (at least in my opinion) is that using interfaces will cause your code to be more interchangeable. This is called loose coupling. So let’s say i have some code that talks to a database running, lets say, MySQL. If i later on change to a different database, for example, MariaDB, I’d have to change a lot of code, parameters, and names.
Now if i:

  • made an interface called Idatabase
  • gave it the methods GetData(int id), WriteData(int id, string data) and deleteData(int id)
  • implemented the interface into two classes:
    • one of the MySQL code
    • one for the MariaDB code
      I could simply create an object for the Idatabase interface, and fill it with the correct implemented class. This is called Dependency injection.
      This all sounds really scary and complex, so i will create an example:
interface IDatabase  
    //Notice how all the methods have *no body*  
    public List<string> GetData(int id);  
    public void WriteData(int id, string data);  
    public void DeleteData(int id);  
//Notice how for *BOTH* classes, the method type and parameters are the same, but the implementation is diffrent
class SqlData : IDatabase //Implements IDatabase, *has to* implement the methods
	public List<string> GetData(int id)
		//Sql related code
		return dataList;
    public void WriteData(int id, string data)
		//Sql related code
    public void DeleteData(int id)
		//Sql related code
class MariadbData : IDatabase //Implements IDatabase, *has to* implement the methods
	public List<string> GetData(int id)
		//MariaDb related code
		return dataList;
    public void WriteData(int id, string data)
		//MariaDb related code
    public void DeleteData(int id)
		//MariaDb related code

Next, we could simply do the following:

class Program
	private IDatabase _database; //References the interface
	static void Main()
		_database = new SqlData(); //Dependency injection
		List<string> data = _database.GetData(20); //Works for both SQL and MariaDB

Instead of changing the datatype of _database, we now only have to change what class will be loaded into _database. All the methods will stay the same. Cool right?