I will be using wsl ubuntu for this project
You can get download instructions here If youre already on ubuntu natively you’re fine Remember your super user (root) password, you will need it later
I'm following a tutorial for this stuff
you can find the playlist here
If you want to assemble an assembly file you need an assembly file first (duh…), so let’s make one.
Remote window inside visual studio code
The video I’m following does this all inside a remote window inside visual studio code. If you open up a new VSCode window and look at the bottom right, you’ll see this little icon. (I hope, i am not sure if its there by default, if not google something like “VSCode remote window”)
If you click on it you can select some WSL options (if you installed it).
Click on the one that says “Connect to WSL using Distro…” and then select ubuntu. (once again, i hope it’s there for you, if not, try googling how to install ubuntu on wsl)
If all went well it should open up a new window inside the ubuntu installation.
Installing NASM
NASM is the assembler i will be using for this project. You can find their website here. To install it, open up your terminal and type the following command lines:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nasm
apt update
will make it so that you can install things like NASM.
if you type nasm -v
, a version number should pop up.
in case your forgot your super user(root password) inside WSL
Open up a command prompt or powershell window Run
wsl -u <super user name(root by default)>
. If you have more than one distribution, runwsl -d <\distro-name> -u <\super-user-name>
instead Runpasswd <\username>
Enter a new password
Moving to the desired directory
Firstly, navigate to the location where you want to set up this project. Some titbits on how you move and create folders inside the linux command line interface (CLI):
Command | Function |
ls | Lists everything inside a folder |
cd [directory name] | Moves to a directory (cd .. to go up a level) |
mkdir [directory name] | Creates a folder with the specified name |
rm [directory name] | Removes a folder (add -r between rm and the name to remove everything inside) |
If you’ve moved to a folder you’re satisfied with, type code . to open up VSCode inside that folder. |
Creating the assembly file
I’m going to be honest, this did not need its own header but oh well.
Inside visual studio, create a new file and call it something like test.asm
Congrats, you made an assembly file!
next article