file name changes occurred
Some file numbers were wrong and had to be changed, thus some old links did not work anymore.
Period 3 planning
Planning of the current semester can be found here
Extra curricular maths course
The info about the extra curricular maths course can be found here
New entries/updates
date | file | Language | Notes |
14/02/2025 | 21.13 - Personal learning goals | engelsenglish | |
19/02/2025 | 25.03 - User stories | nederlandsdutch | |
19/02/2025 | 25.04 - Use Cases and Diagrams | nederlandsdutch | |
20/02/2025 | 30.02 - Getting your azure publish credentials | engelsenglish | |
25/02/2025 | 31.03 - The sum and difference | engelsenglish | moved |
25/02/2025 | 31.04 - The product | engelsenglish | moved |
25/02/2025 | 31.05 - The quotient and fractions | engelsenglish | moved |
Hiiii So this is like, my(Tom’s) digital garden to write blogs, school stuff (Mostly this rn), random information, ideas i might get or anything i feel like really. It’s running on the quartz 4 engine.
Important note
haha made you look
Not all files are as tidy and finished as others
Since i need to put time and effort (and motivation) into making and upkeeping some files, there may be some that aren’t as nice to read since i havent tidied them up yet. Sorry in advance.
I give every file some tags that resemble the content, things like:
lectoraat /informative /school
But also what language the page is in:
dutch /english /engels /nederlands
Folder system
There’s a system to the folders, you’ll figure it out probably.
Its based on [#management/content-to-come]
Basically, the top folders have number ranges consisting of 10 slots. These are usually the general category of the contents.
20 - 29 School
is the directory in which i place anything regarding my uni (stuff like notes in classes, lectures etc).
Inside those folders are (up to) 10 subfolders containing a certain topic (like lectures) and inside those folders are files that correlate to the topic (like lectures). Every file number is the folder number + its own number (ranging from 00 - 99)
The lecture about Cyber warfare is file 2 inside folder 22, so 22.02
If i run out of space inside a relevant topic or general topic, it means i need to sort it more specifically
Super cool footer
Have fun reading :3